Hlavní partněři konference


Mediální partneři konference

Ostatní firmy - partneři



Dear colleagues,

we are pleased to announce that we already know the new date of the International Technological Conference on Milling.
It will be held from 14th to 15th March, 2018 in Brno, Czech Republic.
The main topic of the conference remains the same and deals with all aspects of milling technology.
Brno is nice to see that time and the social program is going to be rich and interesting so we look forward to welcome you on board.

Dear colleagues,

We regret to say that due to technical problems with the premises where the Milling V conference is supposed to take place, and the disorder of the dining room where lunch should be served, unfortunately the conference Milling V will be held next year. The term will be specified later.
Thank you for your understanding.

If you are interested in being informed about the new date of the conference, you can register to receive the newsletter via email.



General Information

The international milling conference will be held on September 13-14, 2017, in Brno, Czech Republic. 14th to 15th March, 2018 in Brno, Czech Republic.



The primary objective is to provide a platform for researchers, engineers, academics and industry professionals from around the world to present their results of research and development activities in all areas of milling.
It is a good chance for strengthening international academic cooperation and communication and the exchange of research ideas and industrial links.


The conference will be accepting submissions to the following topics and sessions:

  • Moderní frézy z rychlořezných ocelí, slinutých karbidů, řezné keramiky, KNB a PKD.
    Modern milling HSS, CC, ceramics, PCBN and PCD cutters.
  • Povlakování fréz pro zvýšení řezivosti a trvanlivosti.
    Coating of milling tools for higher cutting performance and longer tool life.
  • Soudobé frézky, frézovací centra.
    Modern milling machines and machining centres.
  • Moderní technologie frézování ( HSM, HFM, HPM).
    Modern milling technologies  (HSM, HFM, HPM).
  • Trochoidní frézování.
    Trochoidal milling.
  • Mikro-frézování.
  • Integrita povrchu po frézování, její hodnocení.
    Surface integritz after milling, its assessment.
  • Frézování leteckých slitin.
    Milling of alloys for aircraft industry
  • Obrábění za sucha, MQL a s intenzivním chlazením.
    Dry milling, MQL and flood milling.
  • CAD/CAM – frézování, novinky.
    CAD/CAM milling, news.
  • Frézování forem a zápustek.
    Milling of molds and stamps.
  • Frézování zušlechtěných materiálů.
    Milling of hardened materials.
  • Analýza mechanizmů tvorby třísky, průvodních jevů při frézování.
    Analyses of chip formation and other phenomena.
  • Analýza mechanismů opotřebení fréz.
    Wear of milling cutters.
  • Modelování, monitorování a simulace frézování.
    Modeling, monitoring and simulation of milling.
  • Frézování závitů.
    Thread milling.
  • Upínání a vyvažování nástrojů pro frézování. 
    Clamping and balancing of milling tools.
  • Upínání obrobků pro frézování.
    Clamping of workpieces.
  • Frézování a obrobitelnost kovových slitin po 3D tisku.
    Milling and machinability of metal alloys from 3D print.
  • Speciální operace frézování.
    Special milling operations

This conference will highlight research in technical papers and posters.



All submitted conference papers will be reviewed by the scientific committee.
Papers recommended by the scientific committee will be published in MM Science Journal (indexed in Scopus).
All accepted papers will be published in conference proceedings.
All submitted conference papers will be published in PPT conference proceedings also.


PPT prezentations

Please send a copy of Your PowerPoint presentation in PPT format  by e-mail to dvorak.j@fme.vutbr.cz latest by March 9, 2018. Please compress the file, do not forget to save fonts in case you use some more special ones. It allows us to check it and pre-install it to the presentation server. However, please do not forget to take also a backup copy on a USB flash disc with you… just in case.


Poster Session

Authors will be offered to make short presentations about the poster. Of course, there is also the possibility for authors to be present at poster exhibition during whole conference and especially during the coffee break on Wednesday, March 14, 2018 from 15:00 to 15:30 PM.
Posters are expected to be 75 cm x 105 cm (width x height) or conversely. Posters are accepted in form of one larger sheet or many separate sheets of paper also. Posters will be displayed for both days of the conference. Materials for putting posters on the boards will be available in the poster area.


Author Guidelines:

Please, download the template here

All materials submitted for publication must be in DOC and PDF formats. Authors should follow the paper preparation instructions included in the Author Guidelines. The proceedings of this conference will be published on a USB flash disk or CD-ROM and will be distributed to full-conference registrants as part of their conference registration.